Mentone LSC Weekly Update 18 Oct 2019


Season Kick Off Event – Only 24 Hours To Go!!!!

Don’t forget to BUY YOUR TICKETS ASAP for tomorrow night – $20 online, $25 at the door.  It is going to be a huge night!!!  Lots of great music, fun and chat with a fantastic vibe.  To check out our main act Z-Star Trinity, please view the preview video here.

Mentone LSC Open House Day 20 Oct 9am to 12noon

Mentone will hold its annual New Member Open House on 20 Oct 9am – 12noon.  We have information booths for Nippers, Senior, Patrol and Open Water Swimmi ng.  ; We will have beach games for the kids and surf boats for the adults.  There will also be coaches and age managers available to talk with new members.  We will also be having our 4th Annual Mentone Mini Gold race.  This is a 3.5km run to Beaumaris LSC and 3km paddle back to Mentone for U09-U17.

Come down to support the club.  If you available to help on the day contact Greg Schmidt

IRB Boat and Motor Launch

Our new IRB boat and motor will be launched this Sunday at 10am at the Open Day.  MP Tim Richardson will be doing the official launch for us at 10am, so come down to the club and give it your support!

A Big THANK YOU to all our busy working bees

The club had an outstanding response to our call for volunteers.  The plan to put volunteers in small teams worked a treat. We cleaned the nipper, board, ski, patrol, kiosk, bar, store and change rooms, repaired the big sliding door to the deck, installed new soap dispensers, finished our display boards, fixed curtains and most importantly got to know lots of new members.

For all those who volunteered, we have placed your names on the door for free entry into our Kick Off Night this Saturday 19th of October and watch out for your invitation to our volunteers night on Friday 8th of November.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

Endurance championships payment due by 20 October

The Endurance championships are scheduled for Sunday 10 November at Mornington. This event is open to U12 to Open athletes. Please pay your entry fee via your member portal and spe cify whi ch events you wish to enter. The program is available at  and the cost of entry is $35.

Expressions of Interest now Open for paid MLSC Bar and Wait Staff

Every year the club provides opportunities for our 15+ year old members to gain paid work. There will be shifts available from mid-November to early March on Thursday, Friday nights and weekends to work as wait staff, kitchen hands, baristas, and bar staff.No experience is required, just bring enthusiasm to learn and commitment to the role! All training and supervision is provided by the club and pay is calculated using the industry award rates. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to gain employment and learn valuable skill s in a f un environment! Please send your formal application including your resume to  For any questions please contact Helen Mosse at

Applications close on 18th October.


Attention all Bronzies

We are forming patrol core teams for this season now, Any bronzie who would like to be a junior or senior patrol leader ring Colin Williams on 0431 835 813 or email

Get involved so we can continue to be a strong life saving club. Full patrol starts in 5 weeks.
Our training team is planning to run an IRB course in conjunction with Mordialloc LSC starting in 1 week
We are hoping to have a theory session on 23 Oc tober an d some training on the weekend of 26/27 October followed by some sessions in the surf.

The club needs more qualified IRB drivers and crew for both patrol duty as well as carnival water safety.

If you think you would be interested then please fill out the survey via this link  

Once we have the results of the survey we will be better placed to lock in times and dates. We will then provide further details about how to register for the course.

Please note that the survey asks about your current awards and your status as a financial member. Please log into your member portal if you need to check these details


Mentone Mini Gold 20 Oct

The Annual Mentone Mini Gold (3.5km run and 3km board paddle) will take place at our Club Open House day this Sunday 20 Oct.   This race is for U09 – U17.  If you are keen to have your athlete participate please contact Greg Schmidt ASAP to register.

We will also need water safety, registration and logistic volunteers.  If you can help Contact Greg Schmidt.

More info here 

Junior Development and Performance Training

Board and Swim training schedule have been released.  To see schedule and keep up to date join the Teamstuff Group here.

First Day of Nippers 10 November

We will have our first day of Nippers on 10 Nov.  9:45am arrival for a 10am start.

Nipper Helpers Needed

If you or your teenager would like to help with Nippers we have plenty of roles available (on the beach and off the beach).  If you would like to get involved contact Greg Schmidt.

LSV Endurance Championships 10 Nov Mornington LSC

The LSV Annual Endurance Championships will be held on 10 Nov at Mornington LSC.

This competition is longer races (based on age) and is open to U12 – Open.  Athletes can do as many events as they like.  Full program can be found here

Cost of carnival is $35.  You can sign up via SLSA members portal here  ; Pl ease be sure to enter your athletes name, age and Endurance Championships” in the PAYMENT DETAILS section.

Monday Night Swimming

Monday night swimming is on at 7.45pm, each week at Mentone Grammar School.  We have 1 learn-to-swim lane, lanes for nippers and lanes for parents.

$8 per session or $65 per term

Pay online at Portal.  Please use “Monday Night Swim – Family name – Term 4” as the description.


Youth Senior Training Schedule

Youth Senior Training Schedule has been released.  You can access the weekly schedule here and join the Teamstuff Group here

LSV Endurance Championships 10 Nov Mornington LSC

The LSV Annual Endurance Championships will be held on 10 Nov at Mornington LSC.

This competition is longer races (based on age) and is open to U12 – Open.  Athletes can do as many events as they like.  Full program can be found here

Cost of carnival is $35.  You can sign up via SLSA members portal here  Please be sure to enter your athletes name, age and Endurance Championships” in the PAYMENT DETAILS section.

Wednesday Night Swimming

Youth/Senior swimming is on at the Mentone Grammar pool.on Wednesday nights at 7:45pm