
Flying Mentone at Caulfield

Congrats to the 10 athletes who competed for Mentone in the third senior pool lifesaving carnival at Caulfield Aquatics last Sunday. Some great performances from the team who placed first overall. But, aside from results, it's been great watching our athletes honing their lifesaving skills over the season (and also having lots of fun competing together, as well!)

Thanks, as always to the parents who step up as coaches, officials, timekeepers and official carnival photographers! We couldn't do it without you.

We now turn our attention to Senior Pool States on September 22. Please sign up early so we have time to work through the teams!

2024 Victorian Senior Pool Lifesaving Championships
Date: Sunday 22 September 2024
Venue: MSAC
To book click here

Flying Mentone At Caulfield Aquatics Read More »

12 January 2024

A reminder of our shared obligation – behaving well on the beach

Surf Carnivals are exciting and enjoyable events, but recent history has shown that when there is a rare occurrence of inappropriate behaviour by competitors, club officials or family members there is almost always severe and long term consequences, including significant financial costs at club level and emotional costs across all those involved. Additionally we cannot underestimate the impact this has on our younger competitors.

It is the club’s expectation that the highest standards of behaviour is displayed at all times, and that all officials, competitors and club leaders are treated with support and respect.

Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. The club has an Aquatic Sports Code of Conduct that provides clear guidance. We need to all work together to ensure compliance.

It is also recognised that sometimes things do go wrong on the beach, and people may feel aggrieved and want the issue resolved. If this happens to you:

  • Do not approach officials – only an age/team manager can do this.
  • Work with your age/team manager to try and resolve it – if you can’t there will be a senior manager on the beach to refer your issue to.
  • At each carnival a senior member of the sports team will be appointed for referrals and to help resolve issues. They are also authorised to direct an aggrieved person or persons who are acting inappropriately to leave the beach to seek resolution away from the competition and other observers. Walking away is often the best solution to avoid further escalation.
  • Where there is still an unresolved issue the senior sports manager will seek to resolve it back at the club within 7 days of the event occurring.

No issue is so great that it is worth invoking external disciplinary proceedings that both bring the club and the individual into disrepute.

At the briefing beginning each carnival team managers will remind everyone of our expectation in relation to good behaviour. Advice will also be given as to who is the senior manager on duty for referrals.

Our club has a proud history of competition and I seek your support to maintain this in a positive way.

Click to read the Mentone LSC Aquatic Sports Code of Conduct

A Message from the President – Our Shared Obligation Read More »


Membership and Board/Ski Rack Hire Renewals

2020/2021 memberships opened on 1st July.  Step by step instructions for completing renewals are on the website at  Membership options include Family, Individual and Community, and a “Pay by Instalment” option is available for this season only, in recognition of the financial impact of COVID-19.  Memberships must be paid by 31st August to use the instalment option, and early bird rates are available if fees are paid in July.

Tax Deductible Donation to Mentone LSC

You can make a tax deductible donation to Mentone LSC for this tax year.  Here are the steps

Log in to the SLSA Members Portal.
Select Membership, Renewals Payments and Transfers
Select Make Payment
Transaction Type  DONATION
Payment Details Donation to Mentone LSC

A receipt will be emailed to you automatically.


Winter Nippers – Saturday 4th July
We are on for Winter Training this Saturday, 4th July, at Mentone LSC.

  •             2pm: U14 – Adults
  •             2:30pm: U08 – U13

Please register if you are attending via the following link (or email Greg).

Running, Pilates and Stretching Sessions Tuesday and Thursday mornings for U09 to U13 over school holidays

Over school holidays Greg Schmidt will be hosting fitness sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7am – 8:15am.  These session will include

  • 2.5 km run
  • Pilates
  • Deep stretching

These sessions are available to all U09 – U13 free of charge.  We will have access to the inside of the club under Covid Guidelines.  If you are interested please email Greg Schmidt

Junior Board Sessions Thursday and Friday 2pm – 4pm  U09 to U13

There will be Junior Board Sessions on Thursday and Friday from 2pm to 4pm.  These sessions will include running, stretching an d board work.

These sessions are available to all U09 – U13 free of charge.  We will have access to the inside of the club under Covid Guidelines.  If you are interested in attending or can help with water safety or coaching please email Greg Schmidt


Winter Nippers – Saturday 4th July

We are on for Winter Training this Saturday, 4th July, at Mentone LSC.

        2pm: U14 – Adults

Circuit Fitness Sessions for U13 – Open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings over school holidays

Over school holidays Aaron Hamstead will be hosting fitness sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 8:00am – 9am.  These sessions will include circuit based training for strength and flexibilit y.
These sessions are open to all U13 – U19 free of charge.  We will have access to the inside of the club under Covid Guidelines.  If you are interested please email Aaron Hamstead

Be sure to follow us on:

Mentone LSC Weekly Update 3rd July 2020 Read More »


We have 3 weeks of full patrol to go for the season, with 3 days of full patrol over this long weekend. All Bronzies and SRCs need to log on to one of the remaining patrol days to help share the load. If you haven’t patrolled lately, please log on to team app and help. The whole club needs to support patrol. Parents if you have SRC and Bronze members in your family, try to promote patrolling at Mentone LSC once a month. Let’s keep up the good work. 

Meals wrapped for the Summer now it is time to get feedback!
A huge thanks to all the youth members who worked this year for the club providing Thursday and Friday meals and coffees/kiosk on Saturday and Sundays.  The Thursday Age Group nights finished on a high note with a great turn out for the traditional U6-8 disco.  Thanks to all the members for your support. The profits made all go back to the club to ensure our life saving equipment is first rate.

It all starts again in November and the clubs Operations Sub Committee will be working on making improvements in the off season.  To assist we would be most grateful if you could complete a 2 minute survey using this anonymous survey monkey:  

If you are interested in shaping next seasons offerings including Merchandise, Meals, Kiosk, Bar, Social occasions please send an email to 

It is an important and most enjoyable part of the Club’s operations and a great place to meet new people. 


Junior State Championships
Good luck to all of our competitors from U9 – U13 competiting at State Championships this weekend.  We wish you all the best!!!

Nippers Sunday 8 March

Please note that there will be no Nippers on Sunday 8th March due to Junior State Championships in Warrnambool.

Monday Night Swimming – 9th March
Please note that there will be no Monday Night Swimming on Monday 9th March due to Junior State Championships in Warrnambool.

Club Championships on 15 March
We will have our Annual Club Championships at our last Summer Season Nippers day.  Club Champs will be held for U8-U13.

There will be ribbons on the day per event and the overall winner and runner up will announced at our Presentation Night

Mentone LSC Seals training (intro to board and swim for U8-U11)
Mentone LSC provides introductory training for boarding and open water swimming.  More info on these sessions and times can be found here.

Upcoming Seals Sessions:

  •     Saturday 14 March 10am – 11:30am
  •     Wednesday 18 March 5pm – 6:30pm
  •     Thursday 19 March 5pm – 6:30pm

End of Summer Season Presentation Day Sunday 29th March 

We will have our end of Season Presentation day on Sunday 29 March.  There will be a BBQ, awards for the season, videos of our outstanding Nippers and fun games on the beach.

Schedule for each age groups time on the stage will be presented sent week.
Please ignore previous date sent which was incorrect.


New Training Schedule from now until Senior State Championships is on the website.

Morning start times altered for some sessions to consider changing daylight hours.

Be sure to follow us on:

Mentone LSC Weekly Update 6 Mar 2020 Read More »