Mentone LSC Weekly Update 31 Jan 2020


Bronze Course
In partnership with Aspendale LSC we are holding a Bronze course during February. Please go to the Training Page for more information. This course has been set up in LSV Members training from anywhere under Aspendale LSC. 

Requals for Bronze
On the 23rd feb, the assessment for the course mentioned above will be at Mentone.  Requals will also be offered at the same time. If you are interesting in requals, please reply in the Patrol Team App (an event will be set up)

Summer Kitchen
Don’t forget to book in for your Thursday/Friday night meal at the Summer Kitchen via

We are heading towards the middle of the season, all bronzies need to keep Patrolling at least once a month to help share the load. This weekend we have 3 days to patrol with sunny weather on all. log on to team app to help patrol over summer. Let’s keep up the good work.


Nipper Sunday 2 Feb
Next Nippers Session is this Sunday 2 Feb.  9:45am arrival for a 10am start.  Weather is a high 23 with light winds and chance of showers.  The warmer temps have warmed up the water temperatures of the bay so come ready to swim.

Mentone LSC Indoor Swimming at Bayside Aquatics
The Mentone LSC Monday Night Swim at Bayside Aquatics (corner of Lucerne and Como Parade) is on every Monday this term.  We will have lanes for adults, Nippers and also learn to swim.  Casual rate is $8 per session or $60 for the term.  We have a 50% discount for every family member beyond 2.

Junior Competition in February
Competitions in February for Juniors include:

  • Jan Juc Saturday 15 Feb
  • Pt Leo Sunday 23 Feb

Jim Wall Iron Rescheduled

The Jim Wall Iron has been rescheduled for Feb 29 at 2pm.  There will be a range of swim and board events for U13-U17.  The official Jim Wall Iron race is the final race and is for U17+. 

Mentone LSC Seals training (intro to board and swim for U8-U11)

Mentone LSC provides introductory training for boarding and open water swimming.  More info on these sessions and times can be found here.

Upcoming Seals Sessions:

  •     Wednesday 12 Feb 5pm – 6:30pm
  •     Thursday 13 Feb 5pm – 6:30pm

Mentone Development/Performance Squad
Richard has added a surf session this weekend for Pt Leo Saturday at 2:30pm.  Please confirm your attendance in Teamstuff to make sure we have a club board for you.


Latest Training Schedule
Latest schedule can be found on the Training Page of the website and will be added to teamstuff .  

Senior/Youth Competition in February
Competitions in February for Youth and Seniors include:

  • Seaspray 1st/2nd Feb
  • Lorne 9th Feb

Gunnamatta Training Sessions
We had a good response to the idea of some surf sessions on the Peninsula so we are scheduling the following days to be run at Gunnamatta:

Sessions will start at 8:30 and go until 10:00. The focus at these sessions will be surf skills. If the waves look too hairy at Gunna, we’ll find another beach. Should be fun.

  • Feb 16
  • Mar 1
  • Mar 15

Jim Wall Iron Rescheduled

The Jim Wall Iron has been rescheduled for Feb 29 at 2pm.  There will be a range of swim and board events for U13-U17.   The official Jim Wall Iron race is the final race and is for U17+. 

Be sure to follow us on: